Aljazi Almazrooi's profile

Arabic food logo design

The project consists of popular meals with a home-like taste, especially popular Qatari dishes.

The word Sauté (Tashwiha) means stirring something in ghee or oil until it just wilts without turning brown.

The logo that I designed for the project is a wonderful page that reflects the story of Qatari cooking, where its details and colors harmonize elegantly to create a unique tasting experience with an enchanting composition.

The logo features the red color, which shows the speed in preparing meals. It also carries within it the warmth, pleasure, and strength that originate from the popular dishes and meals served in Sauté (Tashwiha).

The red color also increases the customer's desire to eat, so it is considered the secret and hidden factor behind the scenes that stimulates the customer to buy and orders a larger number of meals.

Like the sun rays, the yellow color creeps in, adding a touch of happiness and radiance that catches the eyes of passersby.

The word Sauté (Tashwiha) shines in the middle in Blabeloo font, as if it were playing a piece of music that harmonized with the customer’s taste and feelings.

This logo is not just an ordinary image, but rather an artistic portal that opens its doors of authentic taste and invites customers to a secret journey in the kingdom of Qatari cuisine, especially the popular ones.

المشروع‭ ‬عبارةٌ‭ ‬عن‭ ‬وجباتٍ‭ ‬شعبيّةٍ‭ ‬بمذاق‭ ‬طعم‭ ‬البيت‭ ‬وبالأخصّ‭ ‬الأكلات‭ ‬القطريّة‭ ‬الشّعبيّة‭. ‬
كلمة‭)‬تشويحه‭(‬تعني‭ ‬تقليب‭ ‬الشّيء‭ ‬في‭ ‬السّمن‭ ‬أو‭ ‬الزّيت‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬أن‭ ‬يذبل‭ ‬فقط‭ ‬دون‭ ‬أن‭ ‬يحمرّ‭. ‬

الشعار الذي صممته للمشروع هو صفحة رائعة تعكس قصة الطهي القطري ، حيث تنسجم تفاصليه والوأنه باناقة لتخلق تجربة تذوق فريدة من نوعها، بتركيبة ساحرة

يبرز‭ ‬في‭ ‬الشّعار‭ ‬اللّون‭ ‬الأحمر‭ ‬الّذي‭ ‬يعبّر‭ ‬عن‭ ‬السّرعة‭ ‬في‭ ‬تحضير‭ ‬الوجبات،‭ ‬كما‭ ‬أنّه‭ ‬يحمل‭ ‬في‭ ‬طيّاته‭ ‬الدّفء‭ ‬والمتعة‭ ‬والقوّة‭ ‬الّتي‭ ‬تنبثق‭ ‬من‭ ‬الأطباق‭ ‬والوجبات‭ ‬الشّعبيّة‭ ‬الّتي‭ ‬تقدّم‭ ‬في‭ (‬تشويحه‭.
واللّون‭ ‬الأحمر‭ ‬يزيد‭ ‬أيضًا‭ ‬من‭ ‬رغبة‭ ‬العميل‭ ‬في‭ ‬الأكل،‭ ‬لذلك‭ ‬يعتبر‭ ‬العامل‭ ‬السّرّي‭ ‬والخفيّ،‭ ‬الّذي‭ ‬يعمل‭ ‬وراء‭ ‬الكواليس‭ ‬لتحفيز‭ ‬الشّراء‭ ‬لدى‭ ‬العميل،‭ ‬وطلب‭ ‬عدد‭ ‬أكبر‭ ‬من‭ ‬الوجبات‭
ومثل‭ ‬أشعّة‭ ‬الشّمس‭ ‬يتسلّل‭ ‬اللّون‭ ‬الأصفر‭ ‬ليضفي‭ ‬لمسةً‭ ‬من‭ ‬السّعادة‭ ‬والإشراق‭ ‬تخطف‭ ‬أنظار‭ ‬المارّة‭. ‬

تتألّق‭ ‬كلمة‭ )‬تشويحة‭ ( ‬في‭ ‬الوسط‭ ‬بخطّ‭ ‬بلابيلو،‭ ‬وكأنّها‭ ‬تعزف‭ ‬مقطوعةً‭ ‬موسيقيّةً‭ ‬تنسجم‭ ‬مع‭ ‬ذوق‭ ‬ومشاعر‭ ‬العميل‭. ‬
هذا‭ ‬الشّعار‭ ‬ليس‭ ‬مجرّد‭ ‬صورةً‭ ‬عاديّة،‭ ‬بل‭ ‬هو‭ ‬بوّابةٌ‭ ‬فنّيّةٌ‭ ‬تفتح‭ ‬أبواب‭ ‬المذاق‭ ‬الأصيل‭ ‬وتدعو‭ ‬العملاء‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬رحلةٍ‭ ‬سرّيّةٍ‭ ‬في‭ ‬مملكة‭ ‬الأكلات‭ ‬القطريّة‭ ‬وخاصّة‭ ‬الشّعبيّة‭. ‬

Arabic food logo design


Arabic food logo design
